Yang Style Tai ChiThe Best GIF Guide For Learners

yang style tai chi
yang style tai chi

The Simplified 24-form Tai Chi is based on the Yang Style Tai Chi. It’s simplified by removing repeated and complex movements, making it easier to learn. There are 24 movements in total, hence it’s also known as the “24-Form Tai Chi.

The following is the instruction with GIF pictures

1. Starting Position:

  1. Stand with feet together, relax the body, and look straight ahead.
  2. Shift weight to the right foot, lightly raise the left foot, step to the left in line with the shoulders, toes forward, weight between both feet.
  3. Slowly raise both arms forward, palms down, level with the shoulders.
  4. Bend knees halfway, gently press hands down towards the abdomen, look straight ahead.

2. Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane (Left and Right):

  1. Hold the ball: Shift weight slightly to the right, right arm bends halfway in front of the chest, palm down, left-hand moves across the body under the right hand, palm up, forming a ball shape. The left foot comes to the inside of the right foot, toes on the ground forming a stance, or without touching, look towards the hands.
  2. Turn the waist and step: Turn slightly left, step the left foot forward.
  3. Bow stance and separate hands: As the body continues moving, the left foot lightly lands, shifting weight forward to form a left bow stance, simultaneously separating the hands left and right. Left hand at eye level, palm slanting up, right hand near the right hip, palm down, fingers pointing forward. Keep arms curved, and look straight ahead.

3. White Crane Spreads Wings:

  1. Shift weight slightly forward, left hand turns palm down, right-hand arcs forward and left, palm up.
  2. Right foot steps half forward, then shift weight back to the right leg, left toes touch the ground, slightly turn right, right-hand rises near the right temple, palm facing left, left-hand lowers to the left, look at the right hand.
  3. Left foot steps forward, toes touching the ground, forming a left empty stance, simultaneously turning slightly left, left hand at the left hip, palm down, fingers pointing forward, look straight ahead.

4. Left and Right Part the Wild Horse’s Mane:

  1. Shift upper body slightly left, left hand arcs diagonally to the left front, right hand lowers forward.
  2. Shift upper body slightly right, left hand follows the body’s turn, arcing backward, palm down. Right hand arcs down and to the right, left foot lightly raised, look at the right hand.
  3. Left foot steps forward, heel first, body turns left, right hand bends back near the right ear, pushing forward, weight shifts to form a left bow stance. Right hand at nose level, left hand arcs down to the right hip, palm down, fingers forward. Look straight ahead.
  4. Shift weight back to the right leg, left foot toes lift up.
  5. Left foot’s toes point outward, shift weight forward, body turns left, left hand flips upward and backward to the left, palm up. Right hand arcs down and to the left, falling near the left chest. Look at the left hand.
  6. Shift weight to the left leg, right leg steps forward inside the left foot, forming a stance.
  7. Right foot steps forward and slightly to the right, left hand bends back near the left ear preparing to push forward, right hand arcs downward to the right.
  8. Body turns right, right foot steps forward, forming a right bow stance, left hand pushes forward at nose level, right hand near the right hip. Look straight ahead.

5. Playing the Pipa:

  1. Shift weight forward, right foot steps half forward.
  2. Shift weight to the right leg, body slightly turns right, left foot lightly lifts, simultaneously, left hand raises palm up, at nose level, palm facing right. Right hand withdraws near the left elbow, palm facing left, body slightly turns left, left foot heel lands. Look straight ahead.

6. Left and Right Reverse Reeling Forearms:

  1. Shift upper body slightly right, right-hand arcs down towards the right shoulder, palm up.
  2. Continue turning right, right hand continues arcing upward to the right back, left-hand flips palm up.
  3. Left foot lightly lifts, right palm bends back near the right ear.
  4. Left foot steps back, upper body slightly turns left, right palm pushes forward along the edge of the ear, at nose level, palm forward. Left palm arcs down and to the left.

7. Grasping the Sparrow’s Tail (Left):

  1. Ward Off”: Shift upper body right, right hand arcs diagonally backward and rightward, right arm bends at the elbow in front of the right chest, palm down. Left hand arcs down and to the right, palm up, forming a ball shape. Left foot steps inside the right foot, forming a stance, look at the right hand.
  2. Left foot steps forward to the left, heel touches the ground, left hand moves up, right hand separates downward and rightward.
  3. Shift weight forward, left foot lands, right foot turns backward to form a left bow stance. Left hand continues pushing forward, palm backward at shoulder level, right hand falls to the right hip, palm down, fingers forward. Look forward.
  4. Roll Back”: Slightly shift upper body right, left hand extends forward and flips downward, right hand flips upward, weight shifts backward.
  5. Shift weight to the right leg, body turns right, right hand arcs upward and backward to the right, left arm bends and moves in front of the right chest, palm down. Look at the right hand.
  6. Press”: Turn upper body left, right hand folds in, squeezing toward the left wrist, left hand flips inward.
  7. Shift weight forward, upper body turns left into a left bow stance, right palm attaches to the left wrist, left arm bends at the chest, both hands and left forearm slowly push forward. Look forward.
  8. Push”: Left hand flips palm down.
  9. Both hands separate left and right, shoulder-width apart, right leg bends, weight shifts backward.
  10. Lean back, left foot’s toes lift, both hands bend at the elbow and return to the abdomen, palms down. Shift weight forward, left foot lands, forming a left bow stance, both hands push upward and forward, palms forward, wrist at shoulder level. Look forward.

8. Grasping the Sparrow’s Tail (Right):

  1. Shift weight backward, left foot lifts, slightly turn upper body right.
  2. Continue turning right, left foot’s toes inward, right hand arcs to the right side.
  3. Shift weight to the left leg, right foot steps inside the left foot, forming a stance. Left arm bends in front of the chest, palm down, right hand arcs down, forming a ball shape. Similar to 7 (1) but reversed.

9. Single Whip:

  1. Lean back, right foot’s toes lift, slight turn upper body left.
  2. Continue turning left, right foot’s toes inward, weight shifts left, right hand arcs horizontally to the left, left hand goes from the abdomen to the left rib side, palm backward and upward. Look at the left hand.
  3. Shift weight right, upper body turns right, right hand arcs upward to the right, palm transitions from inward to outward, left hand moves downward to the left abdomen, palm up. Look at the right hand.
  4. Continue shifting weight to the right leg, left foot steps inside the right foot forming a stance, right hand hooks, left hand moves to the right chest, palm inward. Look at the hooked hand.
  5. Left foot steps forward to the left, heel touches the ground, body turns left, left hand moves forward horizontally.
  6. Shift weight forward, left foot lands, forming a left bow stance, left hand flips forward, palm forward at eye level, right hooked hand stops diagonally to the right side of the body. Look forward.

10. Cloud Hands:

  1. Shift weight back, lift the left foot’s toes.
  2. Turn upper body right, left foot’s toes inward, left hand moves downward across the abdomen to the right side ribs, palm inward. Look at the right hand.
  3. Change the hooked hand to a palm outward, left hand continues arcing upward, palm still inward.
  4. Turn body left, shift weight left, left palm moves across the face to the left, palm turns right, right palm arcs down and leftward across the abdomen. Look at the left palm.
  5. Shift weight to the left leg, right foot steps to align with the left foot, keeping a 10cm distance between them, toes forward. Right hand continues arcing upward, palm inward, right palm flips downward, palm facing down.
  6. Turn body right, right palm moves across the right side of the face, palm inward, left palm falls towards the left ribs and frontward. Look at the right palm.
  7. Continue turning body right, right hand continues arcing rightward, left hand moves to the right side ribs, palm inward. Look at the right hand.
  8. Shift weight to the right leg, left foot steps parallel to the left, simultaneously, right hand flips palm outward, left hand arcs upward to the right shoulder, palm inward.

11. Single Whip:

Continue turning upper body right, right hand arcs to the right, left hand moves across the abdomen to the right ribs, palm inward. Look at the right hand.

12. High Pat on Horse:

  1. Shift weight forward, right foot steps half forward, then backward, left palm flips upward, palm up, right hooked hand changes to palm, palm slanting upward.
  2. Left foot steps forward, toes touching the ground, forming a left empty stance. Right hand pushes forward near the right ear, palm forward at eye level, left hand moves to the left waist, palm up. Look forward.

13. Right Foot Kick:

  1. Extend the left hand to the back of the right wrist, palm up, crossing hands slightly, and turn slightly right.
  2. Separate the hands, left hand flips, palms slanting downward, lift the left foot lightly.
  3. Step the left foot diagonally to the left front, shift weight forward, hands separate to the sides.
  4. Both hands continue downward arcs and flip inwardly, crossing at the abdomen, lift up in front of the chest, right palm on the outside, palms inward. Simultaneously, bring the right foot close to the left foot, toes touching the ground, look at the front right.
  5. Both palms outwardly arc apart, simultaneously bend the right knee.
  6. Continue separating both hands, elbows sink down, forming an arched shape. Simultaneously, kick the right foot slowly forward and up, look at the right hand.

14. Double Wind to Ears

  1. Bend the right knee, bring the lower leg back, left hand swings forward to chest level, palms slanting upward.
  2. Continue downward to the sides of the right knee.
  3. Step the right foot forward to the right, heel touching first, then the whole foot lands, both hands gather at the waist, palms slanting upward.
  4. Shift weight forward, forming a right bow stance, both hands turn into fists and move up and forward from both sides to the front, level with the ears, fists diagonally downward. Look at the right fist.

15. Turn Body and Left Foot Kick:

  1. Shift weight back, turn upper body left, right foot’s toes inward, both fists turn into palms and separate to the sides.
  2. Shift weight to the right leg, left foot steps inside the right foot, forming a stance, both hands separate downward, cross at the abdomen, and raise in front of the chest, left palm on the outside, palms inward.

16. Left Lower Posture Stance:

  1. Slightly turn upper body right, right palm turns into a hook, left palm arcs up and to the right, landing in front of the right shoulder, palm slanting backward, look at the right hand.
  2. Squat with the right leg, left leg bends to the left side (slightly back), becoming a left-leaning stance; left hand falls in front of the right abdomen.
  3. Left hand continues along the inside of the left leg, palm outward, turn upper body left, right hooked hand falls behind the body. Look at the lower left front.
  4. Shift weight forward, left foot’s toes point outward, right leg straightens, toes inward, forming a left bow stance, slightly turn upper body left and raise it forward; simultaneously, left arm extends forward (supporting), palm facing right, right hooked hand falls, hook turning upward. Look forward.
  5. Slowly bend the right knee, lifting the leg to stand alone on the left side; simultaneously, the right hook turns into a palm, lifting in an arc shape from behind and to the right side of the right leg, bent arm above the right leg, elbow and knee facing each other, palm facing left; left hand falls near the left hip, palm down, fingers forward. Look at the front right hand.

17. Right Lower Posture Stance:

Step the right foot inside the left foot, sole touching the ground. Rotate the body to the left, simultaneously pivot the left foot outward from the heel, and turn. Left hand moves to a backward hook position, right palm swings to the left in front of the left chest, palm inward. Look at the left hook.

18. Left and Right Shuttle:

  1. Turn slightly to the left, left foot lands forward, toes pointing outward. Shift weight forward as the body turns. Left hand flips, palm down in front of the left chest, right palm arcs to the left abdomen, forming a ball shape with the left hand.
  2. Shift weight forward, right foot steps forward inside the left foot, toes touching the ground.
  3. Slightly turn upper body to the right, lift the right foot lightly, right hand arcs to the right front, left hand falls to the left waist.
  4. Right foot steps forward, slightly to the right (about 30°), shift weight forward, forming a right bow stance. Left hand pushes forward from the waist, right hand flips upward, stopping near the forehead, palm slanting upward, left hand at eyebrow level, palm forward. Look at the left hand.
  5. Shift weight slightly back, turn body slightly left, left foot steps inside the right foot, sole touching the ground. Right hand flips to the right chest, left hand arcs downward to the right abdomen, forming a ball shape with the right hand.

19. Needle at Sea Bottom:

  1. Shift weight forward, right foot steps half forward, then backward to the right leg, left foot lightly lifts, body slightly turns right. Simultaneously, right hand falls forward and upward, rising to the right ear, left hand arcs to the right chest, follows the body leftward to land near the left hip, palm down, fingers forward. Look forward.
  2. Left foot steps forward, toes touching the ground, forming a left empty stance. Simultaneously, right hand inserts downward from the right ear, palm leftward, fingers diagonally downward, left hand gathers near the left hip. Look downward.

20. Flashing Arms:

  1. Slightly shift upper body back, stand straight, lift the left foot lightly, and simultaneously raise the right hand upward, left hand swings upward below the right wrist.
  2. Left foot steps forward, heel first then the whole foot, shift weight forward, forming a left bow stance. Simultaneously, right hand outwardly flips, palm slanting upward near the right forehead, left hand pushes forward, palm forward at nose level. Look forward.

21. Turning to Intercept and Punch:

  1. Intercept”: Shift weight back, turn upper body right, lift left toes, pivot inward. Both hands move up and right, weight shifts to the left leg, left hand to the front, palm outward, right hand arcs down and forward, fist at the left chest, palm down.
  2. Continue upper body right, lift right foot slightly, toes outward, right fist downward intercepts, palm up, left hand by the left hip. Look at the right fist.
  3. Shift weight forward, right foot steps, forming a right bow stance, right fist continues downward interception.
  4. Punch”: Shift weight forward to a left bow stance, right fist punches forward, knuckles up, left hand on the inside of the right forearm. Look at the right fist.

22. Closing Up as If Sealed:

  1. Left hand extends forward from under the right wrist, right fist turns to palm, palms flip upward.
  2. Shift weight back, body leans back, left toes point upward, both hands separate and bend at the elbows.
  3. Hands flip inward in front of the chest, down to the abdomen, palms slanting downward.
  4. Shift weight forward, left foot steps, forming a left bow stance, both hands push forward and upward, wrists at shoulder level, palms forward. Look forward.

23. Cross Hands:

  1. Shift weight back, left toes lift, upper body turns right, left toes pivot inward, continue turning right, right hand sweeps flat to the right, right toes point outward, weight to the right leg. Look at the right hand.
  2. Right hand arcs downward, shift weight left, right toes pivot inward.
  3. Right foot returns leftward, feet shoulder-width apart, legs straight, adopting an open stance. Both hands cross and hug the chest, right hand outside, palm backward. Look forward.

24. Closing:

Both hands flip outward, palms down, arms slowly descend, stopping at the sides, left foot steps beside the right foot, gaze forward. Focus: Relax the body and breathe out slowly while lowering the hands during the descent.

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