Categories: 太极

初学者太极剑 – 简易指南 42 形式


太极 is an ancient Eastern philosophy that holds deep views about the universe and life. In the world of Tai Chi, everything follows certain rules, and movements and breathing are important. Tai Chi sword, part of Tai Chi martial arts, blends philosophical ideas like yin-yang, strength-flexibility, and emptiness-substance to create a unique sword technique.

What is the 42-form Tai Chi Sword?

The 42-form Tai Chi sword is a representative of traditional Tai Chi sword forms. It combines characteristics from different schools or styles, blending sword techniques with Tai Chi philosophy perfectly.

第一的, let’s understand the history and origin of the 42-form Tai Chi sword. Legend says that Tai Chi sword techniques originated during the Ming Dynasty. Over centuries, it evolved through various lineages or schools. The 42-form Tai Chi sword was organized and adapted by experts from the national sports department of newly established China to promote and standardize Tai Chi sword practice.

Why should you learn the 42-form Tai Chi Sword?

What makes the 42-form Tai Chi sword special is its fluid and circular movements, balancing both strength and flexibility. It includes seven basic sword techniques like point, strike, intercept, lift, stab, and cleave, along with 42 different combinations of movements. These combinations are arranged based on philosophical concepts like yin-yang, strength-flexibility, and emptiness-substance, creating a unique rhythm.

The GIF Guide of the 42-form Tai Chi Sword

Starting posture: Open your left foot sideways, keeping it as wide as your shoulders to protect your body with the sword. Twist your waist, bringing your arms in a spiraling motion, and lower your shoulder while guiding your elbow to exert a pressing force.

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 1

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 2

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 3

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 4

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 5

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 6

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 7

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 8

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 9

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 10

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 11

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 12

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 13

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 14

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 15

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 16

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 17

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 18

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 19

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 20

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 21

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 22

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 23

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 24

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 25

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 26

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 27

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 28

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 29

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 30

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 31

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 32

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 33

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 34

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 35

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 36

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 37

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 38

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword 39

The 42-form Tai Chi Sword -The end

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